Peace Proscovia
Sunshine Coast Lightning's Peace Proscovia was born into a poor family in the Arua District of Uganda. One day, she boarded a bus to Kampala. The woman sitting next to her handed her a sweet. It was poison.
Sunshine Coast Lightning's Peace Proscovia was born into a poor family in the Arua District of Uganda. One day, she boarded a bus to Kampala. The woman sitting next to her handed her a sweet. It was poison.
Dear Friends,
PlayersVoice is now AthletesVoice.
We set out exactly two years ago to bring you rich and raw stories direct from Australia’s amazing athletes. More than 7.3 million users have enjoyed these insightful and highly relatable stories so far. One thing we hadn’t considered was the significant number of athletes we work with who don’t identify as ‘players’ on any level. This, as well as our desire to expand overseas unhindered, has driven our brand evolution.
We wish to thank our users for their support so far and Australia’s great athletes for using our platform to inspire and educate their fans about their amazing journeys. We promise to keep telling the greatest stories in Australian sport.
The AthletesVoice Team